The secrets that we never talk about. Kept in silence and apart. You might remember the first kiss, while I can't forget my last letter written to my mom before her death.
I am expressing my love for you in my paintings and my writings which are the two important things in my life. It took a secret of my heart to remind me that there is always time enough to remember but there is never time enough to commemorate what we cherish, unlesss we pause to observe....
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wish Tree 3
Angels bestow grace and perform miracles; so do our friends. Angels are Divine messengers; so are friends. God speaks to us through all those intimate chats, conversations, and confessions.
Probably because, if we'll listen to anyone, it's to a friend who loves us unconditionally and is committed to our happiness.
Wonder Tree
Wisdom Tree
Willow Tree
Real isn't how you are made. It's a thing that happens to you. When your child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.
Becoming real doesn't happen overnight to people. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shappy. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real, you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand.
White Willow
As you learn to acknowledge, accept, and appreciate what it is that makes you different from all the others, the process begins.
As you learn to trust the wisdom of your heart and make creative choices based on what you know is right for you, process becomes progress.
As you learn to endow even the smallest moment of each day with Love, progress becomes reality perfected.
Wealth Tree
Twin Tree 2
Truthful Tree
Three Rose Boxes
Some women know they pray. Other women think they don't because they are not down on their knees morning and night. Whether we realise it or not, with every breath, with every heart beat, women pray. We pray with desire, longing, hunger, thirst, signs, remorse and regret. We pray with disappointment, discouragement, despair, disbelief. We pray with anger, rage, jealousy, envy. We pray with pleasure, contentment, happiness, exultation, joy. We pray when we comfort, cheer, console. We pray when we laugh. We pray when we cry. We pray when we work and play. We pray when we make love and make a meal. We pray when we create and admire creation. One way or another, we pray. Everyday life is the prayer. How we conduct it, celebrate it, consecrate it. It's just that some prayer are better than others. Conscious prayers are the best.
Tree In Red Bulbs
Watch out for what you ask for, you might get it. We ask to meet our soul mate, instead we should be asking for the grace to become the woman our soul mate would be attracted to.
We ask for worldly success when what we really long for is a sence of accomplishment.
We ask for more money, when what we need is a change in our relationship with money.
We ask for a certain outcome in any given situation, when what we should be asking for is peace of mind, no matter which outcome occurs.
The Simplicity
In the deepest recesses of my soul, I know that money cannot guarantee happiness. Heard today that a friend lost a child in an accident. While washing the breakfast dishes, I glanced at my daughter, happy, safe and alive. I knew that friend of mine, would trade all the money she has to get her child back.
After I prayed for her, I prayed for myself. Please let me never forget how rich my wonderful life is right at this moment. Please let me never forget that all i have is all I need. Please let me never forget to give thanks.
The Pear Tree
The Orange Tree
The Four Seasons
Do the best I can, whatever arises
Be at peace with myself
Find a job I enjoy
Live in simple conditions, housing, food, clothings, get rid of clutter.
Contact nature every day, feel the earth under my feet.
Take physical exercies through hard work, through walking, cycling or swimming.
Don't worry, live one day at a time.
Share something every day with someone else.
Give something away.
Help someone else, somehow.
Take time to wonder at life and the world, see some humour in life where I can.
Observe the one life in all things.
Be kind to the creatures.
Be at peace with myself
Find a job I enjoy
Live in simple conditions, housing, food, clothings, get rid of clutter.
Contact nature every day, feel the earth under my feet.
Take physical exercies through hard work, through walking, cycling or swimming.
Don't worry, live one day at a time.
Share something every day with someone else.
Give something away.
Help someone else, somehow.
Take time to wonder at life and the world, see some humour in life where I can.
Observe the one life in all things.
Be kind to the creatures.
The Apple Tree
Tenderness Tree
Sunset Tree
Standing High
So Far Away
Set Between The Moon
Sensual Tree 1
What Bring Us Contentment
What is missing from many of our days is a true sense that we are enjoying the lives we are living. It is difficult to experience moments of happiness if we are not aware of what it is we genuinely love. We must learn to savour small, authentic moments that bring us contentment.
Today, Andrea and I will experiment with a new cookie recipe.
Today, Andrea and I will experiment with a new cookie recipe.
Rose Bush
Regal Tree
Let The Past Go
Positive Negative
If you are worried about money today, take heart. You have the power to change your lifestyle and move from a feeling of lack and deprivation to a feeling of abundance and fulfillment. Money ebbs and flows in our lives. What should remain constant is our realization that abundance is our spiritual birth right.
The simpler you make your life, the more abundant you become.
When I surrendered my desire for security and sought serenity instead, I look at my lif with open eyes. I saw that I had much for which to be grateful. I felt humbled by my riches and regretted that I took for granted the abundance that already existed in my life.
How could I expect more from the Universe when I didn't appreciate what I already had?
Passion Tree
Over The Fence
Opportunity Tree
Who Is Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?
We all are. Because sooner or later, he's whining and scratching at everybody's door. So, what should we do? By not running scared when the wolf arrived, by not giving into our fears when he would blow the house down? Shouldn't we all learn to outsmart, catch, and cook the wolf?
One Tuesday Morning
One Monday Morning
One Gold Leaf
The Language
The language of the heart is longing; the language of the mind is rationalizing; the language of emotions is feeling.
Today, I would love for all of us to get it at last. For us to accept, give thanks, bless and share. For us not to hoard or hold back for fear that there won't be enough. Because the Universe lacks nothing.
As long as I have a few loaves and fishes, and know what to do with them, that is all I need.
Oak Tree in Light
Oak Tree in Autumn
The Truth Will Set You Free
Free to be yourself, to know that you are a unique person.
Free to experience life, to go out without being afraid.
Free to speak your mind, to effect the world you live in.
Free to have hope, to keep faith when times are bad.
Free to forgive others, to love your enemies even when they hurt you.
Free to give, to take joy in hugging someone who needs it.
Mystic Tree
Morning Sailing
Money Tree
Mercy Tree
Luck Tree
Love Tree
From The Beginning
I wish I'd known from the beginning that I was born a strong woman. What difference it would have made! I wish I'd known that I was born a courageous woman. I have spent so much of my life cowering.
If I had known, I'd been born to take on the world, I wouldn't have run from it for so long, but run to it with open arms.
Looking Up
Looking Down
My Life
Whether I've realized it or not, I have lived many lives. I'm referring to the episodic ways in which my life has evolved - from childhood to adolescence, college years or early jobs, career, marriages, motherhood, divorce......
Each life experience has left an indelible mark on our souls as well as a layer of memory like a deposit of sediment.
Lollipop Tree
I dug deep - through the assumptions and expectations that have shaped me. Through the successes and failures that have defined me. Through the loves and hates, gains and losses, promises and pain that have bound me. Through the risks and ruins, tumults and triumphs that has set me free.....
Light In Green Tree
If you have not kept a journal before, you're in for a delightful surprise. Reveling in this a few times a week will produce remarkable results. Because your diary is a meditative insight tool. It is the most important work in a person's life. By writing how you feel, being honest with yourself, that is discovering who you are and why we are here at this point in eternity. It's for a reason.
Kissing Tree
Small Things Forgotten
Your true self is found hidden in the small details of our daily lives. Home, family, work and pleasures. We think that it's the big moments of happiness define our lives, like the wedding, the baby, the new house, the dream job.
But really, it is in the every day small, simple and common things in our lives. The tiny choices, the tiny changes. In the unconsidered. The overlooked. The discarded. The reclaimed.
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