I'm a dreamer who has the tendency to stumble straight into her dreams and then fall out of them right onto her face. Falling in love has never been my problem. I don't mean to sound shallow, but guys have always been interested in me. My problem is simply that I get carried away with love.
It's not that I don't have standards, because I do. I know what I want from a relationship and if a guy can't give me that, then I don't bother. However, I kept getting guy on the net who wants to know me, but it never feels right. Something always happen and I always catch them not being honest after a month of chatting. In the end, I'm back where I started... single and looking for that dream again.
There are guys out there who has no problem finding things to talk about, witty, and so on and so forth. It's rather surreal actually; like a fairly tale. Every time I wait for him to be online, my heart skips a beat and the butterflies in my stomach flap crazily.
The only problem is, that I know that I shouldn't get carried away. I'm sure these guys are chatting with many other women out there - just the same carefree way that he talks to me, though I'd like to be selfish and say that I am the only one. I can't help it though. We talk about profound things that matter only to the hearts of people who have felt them; I feel that he is a kindred soul.
Eventually, after a few months of chatting they are either married, or they are not the person who they claimed to be. I suppose that I would go on living my life in a dream. As of right now, I am telling the Universe my dream man - how I want him to be.
I got carried away... again.